Remote Only Support

We understand that your organisation does not always need a permanent IT staff member on site. We also understand that in order to run a business, the use of computers are necessary.

It is exactly for this reason that we offer organisations access to our one-of-a-kind helpdesk for a reasonable fee.

This is our entry level offering for SMEs and start-ups that need IT support but do not have the budget for our larger offerings.

What exactly is “Remote IT Support”?

We give you access to our helpdesk that offers unlimited off-site IT support, for a fixed fee monthly. We utilise a limited subset of programs to remotely control your user’s computers and resolve their issues (Where possible) completely without having to drive to your offices.

What sort of support can my organisation expect from this option?

As mentioned previously, you can expect unlimited off-site IT support. This typically involves tasks that all organisations experience(“My email is not working”, “XYZ Software is unable to launch”, etc). We endeavor to resolve all issues remotely, however this is not always possible.

What are the benefits of choosing this support option?

This is a great entry level support option for organisations who experience a limited amount of IT issues per month. It is also the support option with the lowest barrier to entry and you have peace of mind that your IT will be run by qualified and competent professionals.

If you have many remote users or smaller offices in other countries (Particularly in Africa) this is a great support option to consider.

How can this benefit my organisation?

For a small fixed cost monthly, your organisation can have peace of mind when operating and it can focus on your line of business instead of its own IT. We also do proactive remote server maintenance and this allows us to identify issues before they arise.


Helpdesk Only Support